End-to-end quality check for error-free assembly. ivii smartdesk digitizes expertise for assembly, keeps knowledge at your company, and helps prevent assembly errors by real-time feedback.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find assembly specialists. This is exactly where ivii smartdesk comes into play. You can train ivii smartdesk without any IT knowledge at all, and it learns as it goes to help you step-by-step during productive operations. This digitized knowledge is available forever to anyone at your company. Mistakes are recognized immediately, and all finished subassemblies are checked seamlessly and documented, which ensures they are always assembled correctly.
ivii smartdesk is a digital assembly table with AI-supported optical recognition for ongoing quality control and securing knowledge at your company. Your specialists teach subassemblies to ivii smartdesk, digitize instructions, and can pass on and add to the instructions at any time using the table. Every production step is visually supported and helped with real-time feedback so that employees can work from the very beginning without making any errors. As a smart assistance system, ivii smartdesk is the ideal help for assembly and the simplest way to always achieve correct assembly.
Help with personnel shortages
Do you have a shortage of specialists? Are your long-term employees retiring? ivii smartdesk enables you to have a larger pool of applicants: technical knowledge is not needed, and language barriers are removed by our digital assistant. Our smart assembly table leads you through all steps because of its real-time instructions and visual checks so that even inexperienced employees can work productively and error-free after a very short time.
Digital perfection eliminates complaint costs
Are your costs for material, personnel, and quality control increasing? ivii smartdesk automatically recognizes assembly errors, and your employees can correct them immediately. Your number of complaints will be reduced immediately. You will save on costs for reworking, personnel, and recruiting as well as cost of goods sold.
Highest quality for every work step
Is it difficult to maintain your level of quality? Is your team stressed? Our AI-assisted optical recognition checks subassemblies at every step and gives real-time feedback. Instead of individual random sampling, all parts are completely checked and documented automatically. Your employees can rest assured that everything is always assembled correctly.