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Digitalisation and the labour market

13. March by DIGITAL2GO in Digitization

Digital 2 Go

The predominant theme in analyses and forecasts regarding the development of the working world is digitalisation. The projections concerning the impact range from “downright gloomy” to “encouragingly positive”. However, the question of whether digitalisation is good or bad for the world of work is too multifaceted to answer with a definitive yes or no. But there are many beneficial developments – for both employers and employees – that are helpful when it comes to answering this question.

Rapid adaptation of routine processes

The term “Work 4.0”, which is derived from “Industry 4.0”, focuses on the technical side, i.e. the rapid adaptation of routine processes due to digitalisation. And let’s be honest: It is surrounded by a certain amount of fear. Unlike in Europe, internationally people talk about the “New Work concept” – and focus on the advantages and benefits of a digitalised working world and work methods. “This orientation towards the direct benefit also shapes our step-by-step approach to digitalisation processes,” explained Oliver Lehner, Vice President Partner & Products at KNAPP AG and responsible manager for the digitalisation platform DIGITAL2GO. “Our products facilitate the individual development opportunities of employees, ease the burden in the case of monotonous, repetitive tasks, and support knowledge management and the transfer of know-how within a company if there are gaps in terms of qualified personnel.” The goal of this approach is to take advantage of the possibilities offered by digitalisation on a step-by-step basis to achieve maximum efficiency for the company processes. “This also includes the handling of raw materials and of course the rational, contemporary deployment of labour,” added Oliver Lehner.

Optimal resource management

Anything that is new initially provokes reservations and fear. As cultural historian Gustav Freytag put it all the way back in the 19th century, “Man is a creature of habit.” So it is no wonder that something as unfamiliar and significant as the digital transformation is met with resistance. But digitalisation is ultimately about pursuing a goal that there is no need to fear: making the best possible use of what we have. This notion of efficiency applies to nearly every process in a company – from production to storage to shift planning – and thus to the dealings with employees. One good example of how digitalisation can make positive changes to the world of work is the smart planning software redPILOT® PLANNER & teamAPP: Managers and shift planners receive digital support in putting together the ideal team for each shift, taking all of the relevant competences and availabilities into account. The teamAPP enables quick, direct communication within the team and thus significantly contributes to increasing flexibility in personnel planning.

Optimised resource use, more efficient processes, and a higher quality level. As Oliver Lehner put it, “There are many examples on our platform that show that the question regarding the impact of digitalisation on the world of work can be answered positively.” There will be changes in the requirements for workers, but there will certainly not be less to do.

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