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Digitalisation hurdles – and how to overcome them

February 15th, 2024 by DIGITAL2GO in Digitization

Digital 2 Go

No time, not enough money, no specialists? Prejudices among employees? How to topple the primary hurdles to digitalisation, one step at a time.

According to a current study of Statista Research Department in Germany, insufficient qualified specialists, time, and financial resources are the primary hurdles for digitalisation projects. A global survey of 1,000 managers in the logistics industry conducted by Proglove painted a similar picture: Comprehensive and also necessary projects are being postponed because of insufficient resources. These hurdles can be overcome if you tackle them one step at a time.

Challenges must be faced and prejudices eliminated

“We at DIGITAL2GO know that digitalisation often gives rise to concerns and is frequently seen as being complicated, difficult, and cost-intensive,” Oliver Lehner, Vice President Partner & Products at KNAPP AG and responsible manager for the digitalisation platform DIGITAL2GO, noted about these studies. “Every company from SME to major conglomerate is aware of the challenges and necessities of digitalisation.” The objectively justifiable issues are often compounded by prejudices among the staff in a company. These range from general scepticism about new technologies to fears that digitalisation may replace jobs. “A survey of 160 companies showed us that staff are much more accepting of digital technologies when you send them on training,” said Maria Hulla, head of the Industrial Management working group at Graz University of Technology. She knows the worries and reservations of employees across all hierarchical levels – and knows how they can be countered. Once the staff have been convinced of the sensibility and goal of the digitalisation project, a company can begin addressing the issues of time, money, and the general approach.

Even the largest of projects begins with the first step

To initiate the right digitalisation process for the specific goals, it is best to bring an independent partner on board to lend support with comprehensive know-how, smart products, and a strong network. “On the platform, we offer easily accessible digitalisation advice through our partner, current information, and a large number of smart, standalone products that can be integrated quickly and easily in existing infrastructures. This brings rapid initial success, which boosts motivation for the entire digitalisation project,” said Oliver Lehner, who summarised the DIGITAL2GO approach as follows: “Inform, network, and provide simple but well-founded advice – that’s our philosophy.”

You can find up-to-date theoretical and practical information in the platform’s magazine section, including tips on funding and case studies about new technologies and their potential for practical use in business.

Are you interested in advice on digital optimisation? This is the first step.

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