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"There is no patent remedy for digitalization"

April 29th, 2024 by Erhard Sammer in Digitization

Digital 2 Go

Digitization expert Martin Oblak, Sales Manager at our partner LNConsult, talks about the importance of external specialist consulting for digitization measures in companies, the necessary foundation for this and the ingredients of his "recipe" for successful digitization.


For many entrepreneurs, digitalization seems too big and too complex a task - which is why it is not tackled at all. How can specialist advice help to ensure that the first step is taken after all?

Martin Oblak: In short, a digitalization expert with years of experience can provide customers with the best possible advice on the right digitalization measures for their company and then implement them. Because there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for digitalization! Every company has its own particularities that need to be addressed.

What is discussed with the client during a typical initial consultation?

First of all, the customer's general requirements are discussed: What are the customer's plans? What are their goals? Where do they stand in terms of digitalization? Some customers are still at the very beginning, while others are already a few steps ahead and need a sensible addition.

So what is the next step?

Once we have taken stock, we work as a team to determine where the greatest potential for optimization lies and what added value we can generate with our solutions. To do this, we also take a close look at the existing processes. We then draw up a concept for step-by-step implementation ­– especially for customers who are not yet that far advanced in terms of digitalization. To do this, we select the sub-area in which we see the greatest potential for optimization for the customer and recommend appropriate measures.

What are the advantages of the step-by-step approach to digitization?

The digitalization of larger systems in a company can quickly become a very extensive project with a long lead and implementation time. It doesn't make sense to work on too many "construction sites" at the same time. This means that once I have completed one solution, only then can I start implementing the next solution - which is often based on it. What's more, this process is often very demanding on the company's human resources. It is often not possible to free them up for this – which makes it all the more important to have an external partner who can provide comprehensive support for the project.

Is there such a thing as a basis or a "foundation" for digitization?

A necessary basis is certainly a well-functioning IT infrastructure, especially with regard to the data-transmitting network: after all, almost all solutions that are used ­– ranging from digital labels to autonomous shuttles – are based on a fast and stable connection. If a stable foundation is created with a high-performance network, we can ensure that everything will function optimally later on. The first step in determining the initial situation is a radio survey: this is a quick and cost-effective way of finding out what the network situation really looks like in operation and whether any optimizations need to be made.

In which industries or segments are digitalization measures currently in particularly high demand? Which are the "Top 3"?

We are seeing strong demand in the retail and logistics sectors. However, industry and manufacturing companies are also increasingly focusing on digitalization measures. However, we at LNConsult are open to all sectors and companies that want to start digitization or expand existing systems.

Which topic currently plays the biggest role in digitalization?

Clearly the lack of personnel: It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to find personnel, especially qualified personnel. This is where digitalization can help: Employees who are already in the company can concentrate on specific activities. Selected digitalization and subsequent automation measures can be used to optimize consistent or repetitive work steps and processes in particular.

Finally, do you have a personal recipe for success in digitalization?

Our digitization projects are of course all very different, but some rules apply to all of them: As mentioned, digitization should be broken down into sensible sub-areas and then proceed step by step. It is also important to free up the customer's internal personnel resources – and thus the existing expertise – for the project. In combination with an external expert who contributes their specialist knowledge and experience to the project, this is certainly a good "recipe" for successful digitalization.

Do you want to exploit the full potential of digitalization in your company? Secure your head start now with expert advice!

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